
Home-bred JK Eder Control dtr of the Emeraude's

JK Eder-I CONTROL @ Semex is one of the most admired bulls in Canada with 83% of the daughters scoring Good Plus, 34 EXCELLENT- and 1.399 VG-scored daughters!! Control was sold by JK-Eder Holsteins as an embryo to Canada and the facts are speaking for themselves. At JK-Eder Holsteins a pretty Control daughter backed by the Emeraude's has been pictured by Han Hopman. This brings the best families together: the Cinderella's and the Emeraude's!! JK Eder DG Control Elies increased her score as a 3-Yr Old to VG-87-NL VG-89-MS La2. and is a maternal sister to the reigning 2-Yr Old Champion Fokveedag Hoornaar: JK Eder DG Byway Eliza VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX). Her Sidekick daughter tops in the Canadian system at +16 Conformation, +12 Mammary System, +11 Dairy Strength in combination with +2.83 PTAT!! She is already in the flush program, feel free to contact JK-Eder Holsteins! 

Photo credits: Han Hopman, Alex Arkink, Patty Jones ©

JK Eder DG Control Elies VG-87-NL VG-89-MS La2.
JK Eder-I Control x JK Eder DG Elisa VG-87-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (s. Doorman) x VG-88 Numero Uno x Carf Emeraude EX-91-NL
2.00 450d 12.820kgM 3.4% 430F 3.5% 446P
3.04 305d 12.760kgM 3.60%F 3.41%P (proj.)
* +12 Conf. / +2.22 PTAT Control daughter from the Emeraude's
* Maternal sister to: JK Eder DG Byway Eliza VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX) - 2-Yr Old Champion Hoornaar 2019
* Her Sidekick daughter tops in the Canadian index at +16 Conformation (PEDIGREE) - December 2020
* Owned by: JK Eder Holsteins, Lisa Kolff & Diamond Genetics (NL)

JK Eder DG Byway Eliza VG-89-NL VG-89-MS 3yr. (MAX) (PEDIGREE) | 
Maternal sister
2.05 354d 11.802kgM 3.7% 437F 3.5% 417P
3.06 305d 11.345kgM 4.12%F 3.44% (proj.)
* 2yr. Old Champion Hoornaar 2019!!!!!
* 3rd place HHH-Show 2019
* 1st place FVZH-Noordeloos '20
* CLICK HERE for her FEMALE Delta-Lambda embryos in the Online Embryo Sale

JK Eder-I CONTROL @ Semex
Snowman x Giessen Bolton Cinderella 20 VG-87-NL 2yr. x Giessen Cinderella 15 EX-91-NL (s. Shottle) x Durham Cinderella VG-89 x Wilcoxview Cinderella EX-92

Learn more about JK Eder Holsteins - view their Eurogenes profile
To contact JK Eder Holsteins, click here or use the following contact information.

JK Eder Holsteins
Oudendijk 75
Woudrichem, Netherlands
4285 WJ
Phone: +31 (0)183-301226
Email: jankolff@planet.nl

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