The Regenia's leave their marks at Van der Weij
A few weeks ago, Joannes & Willeke van der Weij had a visit from the classifier at their farm. Koepon S P Regenia 268 *RC was one of the cows who saw the classifier. The Col DG Spark-Red daughter, co-owned with Sietze Akkerman is classified with VG-88 as 2yr. old with VG-88 for her Mammary System! Her dam is the Polled and Red Carrier: Koepon M P Regenia 244 P *RC VG-85-NL 2yr. She is a huge production cow and produces more than >11.000kgM every lactation with >3.5% Protein! Regenia 268 *RC her grand dam is one of the highest GTPI Balisto daughters WORLDWIDE: Koepon Bal Regenia 156. She is out of Epic daughter Koepon Epc Regenia 109 EX-90-NL, dam to AltaDustman! This family goed back on great brood cow Regan-Joy Durham Regina EX-92-USA.
Koepon S P Regenia 268 *RC VG-88-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. (PEDIGREE)
Col DG Spark-Red x Koepon M P Regenia 244 P *RC VG-85-NL 2yr. (s. Mission P *RC) x Koepon Bal Regenia 156 (s. Balisto)
- An amazing Spark-Red daughter classified with VG-88-NL with VG-88 Mammary System!
- 3rd dam was one of the highest GTPI Balisto daughters in Europe and dam to the bull AltaDustman
- She scores good in her Canadian index: +8 Conformation with +1208kgM! (04/22)
- 5th dam is dam to AltaRamon, Koepon Regal and others
- Same family as the bulls Mr Sam, Mr Samuelo, Socrates, Mr Shane & more
- Goes back to the great brood cow Regan-Joy Durham Regina EX-92-USA
3rd dam: Koepon Epc Regenia 109 EX-90-NL
Epic x Koepon Mano Regenia 73 VG-86-NL (s. Man-O-Man) x Koepon Shot Regenia 10 VG-86-NL (s. Shottle)
- Dam to AltaDustman
- Great production cow with more than >10.900kgM and >3.5% Protein every lactation
Lytse Buoren 1
Weidum, Netherlands
9024 EK