
VG score for Lambeau grand dtr to Siemers Lmda Paris EX-91-USA

Siemers Lmda Paris EX-91-USA belongs to one of the most influential cows worldwide! The eight years old Delta-Lambda daughter is dam to the daughterproven sire Siemers Rengd Parfect @ Select Sires at +3064 GTPI / +2.37 PTAT, but also to Siemers Post, Siemers Roztac, Siemers Parx, Siemers Paristore, Siemers Rz Pazzle, Siemers Hulu Paldwyn, Siemers O Parceive and many more! Lmda Paris EX-91 has been named as the Global Cow 2023. Her promising and fresh 2yr. old Lambeau grand daughter DG Pils is this week classified with VG-86-NL 2yr. with VG-88 for her Mammary System! She has a current day production of 39,6kgM and sells in the Eurogenes Winter Sale - Online Tag+ next week!

Eurogenes Winter Sale 2025 - Online Tag+
Start: Monday the 17th of February 11.00 a.m. (Dutch Time)
Ending: Friday the 21th of February at 08.00 p.m. (Dutch Time)

DG Pils VG-86-NL VG-88-MS 2yr.
La1. 305d 10.038kgM .4.2% 417F 3.5% 352P (proj)
Lambeau x Siemers Town Paris (s. Town) x Siemers Lmda Paris EX-91-USA (s. Delta-Lambda)

  • Her sister DG Pops GP-83-NL VG-88-MS 2yr. sells also in the Eurogenes Winter Sale - Online Tag+
  • Sister to DG Plum, the dam to a Holysmokes son, who will be soon available through the AI-Total portfolio at +3093 GTPI and +2.19 PTAT (12/24)

Grand dam: Siemers Lmda Paris EX-91-USA 3yr.
Delta-Lambda x Siemers Denver Paris EX-91-USA x Quality Denver Paris VG-86-USA 2yr.

  • Great cow family with a huge influence!
  • She is dam to the sires: Siemers Rengd Parfect, Siemers RZ Pazzle, Siemers Party, Siemers Parsly and many more!

Great-granddam: Siemers Denver Paris EX-91-USA
Mogul Denver x Quality Tango Paris VG-86-USA 2yr. x Ransom-Rail Facebk Paris VG-87-USA 2yr.

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