TOP UDC females in Europe!
In Europe they are some of the highest UDC (Udder composite) females in the breed based on GTPI. Topping the list is Willsbro Perennial Elaya 4320, a Perennial daughter with +3.85 UDC and from the family of Wilt Fitz Elaya EX-94-FR EX-96-MS. Notable is the #3 UDC in this list: SHG Avalanche Liv at +3.56 PTAT and 2 of her topranking PTAT daughters, sired by Dani P and Wolfgang P from the Winterbay Goldwyn Lotto EX-95-CAN 5yr. family! The highest R&W heifer in the list: Boumba, she is an McDonald P-Red daughter from France with +3,41 for her UDC!! Also the Rosiers Goldwyn Blexy EX-97-USA family is in this top list with Bluebell at +3,53 UDC!
Top 10 UDC females in Europe (04/23) - Click here for the complete ranking
Pawton Dairy
St. Breock - Wadebridge
Cornwall, United Kingdom
PL27 7LR